Developing a large site like a school without a master plan can sometimes be like trying to steer a rudderless ship - you can easily end up reworking expensive projects or identifying inefficiencies too late.
We work with schools to help develop a long-term vision that can act as a beacon on the property development journey. With a clear goal in place, schools are able to make incremental steps towards an optimal future state. Careful phasing and capacity considerations are often required, but with a master plan in place, real long-term progress is just the next project away.
Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt
Working closely with architects, the school and the Mission Colleges Lower Hutt Trust Board, IR Group have helped set out the vision for SHC and even begun work on the first couple of projects. There is still a long way to go, but with a vision in place and on-the-ground knowledge of the site, we’re implementing the master plan.